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Three mistakes when launching new services

Three mistakes when launching new services

There are many tools for business development, and one of them is the development and implementation of new services. This is perhaps the most obvious way to attract new customers and generate a new source of income. However, without careful preparation, a new service can become an unwanted and be detrimental to your booming business.

Here we will figure out a few typical mistakes that many entrepreneurs make when updating their price lists.

Mistake #1: Conservative approach.

As a rule, the business model life cycle is no more than 20–25 years, and then its paradigm changes. It does not happen by chance: sales concepts, technology requirements, and business philosophies change. That’s why in business it is vital to be flexible and ready to make changes and innovations on time.

Mistake #2: Low level of automation.

Business process automation is already an essential even for a small company. Automation tools are especially important in marketing. With a large number of tasks, the marketing department cannot meet them manually. Email marketing, SMM, analytics — for all these, modern specialists use automation tools. For example, to effectively promote new services in social media, they use posting automation platforms in order to reach more social networks and attract the attention of the largest possible audience to their new product or service. One of them is Postoplan (https://postoplan.es/), a modern platform with broad functionality that allows you to manage the most popular social networks at the same time, schedule your publications, create a content plan, and more. Working with such platforms saves up to 4 hours of working time and up to 90% of social media marketing costs.

Mistake #3: Lack of instructions on how to work with new services.

The new service must meet the needs of your target audience, otherwise, it will not bring the desired income. When an entrepreneur reflects the customer's needs in the plan and follows it, the introduction of new services is successful. But if the staff does not know what the business owner's goal is, everyone works with their own ideas in mind.

Obviously, the result of inconsistency and desynchronization of business processes is the loss of customers, a lack of loyalty, a lack of revenue, as well as a decrease in turnover and profits. To avoid these consequences, it is necessary to predict possible mistakes in advance when launching new services and take into account the needs of your target audience.

Ньюсмейкер: Postoplan — 9 публикаций
Сайт: postoplan.es


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